Name of United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences:Tottori University
Assigned university:Tottori university
Specialized field:Bio-Environmental Sciences, International Dryland Agricultural Study
Research theme:【Ph.D. period】Remote Sensing of Near-surface Dynamic(近地表過程のリモートセンシングとモデリング) 【Present】Relationship between urbanization and environmental dynamic(都市化と環境動態の関係に関する研究)
Obtained (planned) degree/date:Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D (Agriculture) Obtained in March 2011.
In 2007, I went to Arid Land Research Center, Tottori University for preparing Ph.D. study. My research topic was active and passive microwave remote sensing of soil freeze-thaw cycles in northern China and Mongolia. After graduated in 2011, I worked in Arid Land Research Center for more than a year with to wide my research topics include snow and Asian dust with remote sensing. In 2012, I went back to Beijing, China, and hunted a position in the State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology (SKLURE), Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences(RCEES), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). From that time, my research topic switched on the relationship between urbanization and eco-environmental dynamic, especially focuses on the urban air pollution at global, regional/national, urban, and local scales.
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My major publication can be found from ResearchGate or Google Scholar by searching “Lijian Han”