Privacy Policy/プライバシーポリシー

Website (hereinafter referred to as the “University Website”) of United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Tottori University [](hereinafter referred to as the “University”) is administered and operated by the administrative office of University. Websites of faculties linked from the official website of the University and websites linked from the websites of faculties are operated at the responsibility of the respective site administrator.

Privacy Policy of the University Website applies when users of the University Website use the services (providing information, requesting for documents, etc.) offered by the University. Therefore, the University assumes no responsibility for the contents of handling of privacy information on other websites linked to from this page. Please read through this privacy policy when using the University Website.

It is deemed that users of the University Website have understood and accepted the contents of this privacy policy. The University may change the privacy policy for further protection of personal information of users, and/or pursuant to formulation or amendment etc. of laws and regulations. Therefore, kindly ensure to check the latest details.




Basic policy

The University understands that the personal information of users of the University is a very important information pertaining to privacy, and the University strives to appropriately manage such information.



Adherence to laws and regulations

While handling personal information, the University adheres to various laws and regulations related to protection of personal information and other code of conduct.



Utilization purpose of personal information

From the users of the University Website, the University may collect personal information to the required extent for the purpose of receiving requests for the events conducted by the University, receiving requests for sending documents, and receiving inquiries. Information collected by the University is used for sending information material of various events, sending documents, and responding to inquiries.

When changing the purpose of use, the University will obtain the consent of the respective individual.




Acquiring personal information

While acquiring personal information, the University shall acquire it in a fair and legal manner to the extent required for achieving the designated purpose of use.



Safe management of personal information

1. With regard to personal information shared with the University, the University shall appoint personal information protection administrator and personal information protection staff in each department handling such personal information for ensuring appropriate management of personal information. Besides, with regard to personal information obtained by the University, the University shall take appropriate safety measures such as prevention of leakage to an outside party, loss of information, falsification and unauthorized access to the information, and the University shall strive to protect personal information of the users.

2. When outsourcing activities pertaining to personal information to an outside party, or when offering personal information to a third party, the University shall enter into agreement etc. with the vendors or the recipients of information putting obligation of appropriate management of personal information on them, and the University shall supervise and guide them.


  1. 本学は、提供された個人情報について、当該情報を取り扱う部局ごとに個人情報保護管理者及び個人情報保護担当者を置き、適切な管理を行います。また、取得した個人情報について、外部への流出、情報の紛失、改ざん及び不正侵入の防止など、適切な安全対策を実施し、利用者の個人情報の保護に努めます。
  2. 本学は、個人情報に関わる業務を外部に委託する場合、または個人情報を第三者に提供する場合、委託先又は提供先に対し、個人情報の適切な管理を義務付ける契約等を結び、監督、指導等を行います。

Offering personal information to a third party

Except when stipulated by laws and regulations, the University never shares the personal information with a third party without the prior consent of the individual.



Continuous improvements

The University strives to continuously revise and improve the steps it takes regarding contents of the privacy policy and handling of personal information.

