ALUMNI STORIES:Sabitri Adhikari Dhungana
Name of United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences:Tottori University
Assigned university:Shimane university
Specialized field:Microbial Ecology/Plant-microbe interaction
Research theme:Plant growth promoting properties of endophytic bacteria and their interaction in different biotic and abiotic conditions
Obtained (planned) degree/date:Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) (Agriculture) Obtained in September 2019
Plant microbe interaction is a complex phenomenon. Endophytic bacteria lives inside the plant tissues and generally cause no harmful effects to the plants, instead, many of them have the ability to promote plant growth directly or indirectly. In addition of the plant-microbe interaction, it is supposed that endophytic bacteria interact positively or negatively within their community in plant. In my study, I used few endophytes having plant growth promoting abilities like nitrogen fixation and IAA production. During my study, I learnt how they interact with plant. Since I was working with certain endophytes, got chance to acquired knowledge on molecular field and in vitro plant preparation. Here in my country Nepal, I am using those knowledge and experiences in my fruit research field. I am working on tissue culture of citrus plants, micro tip grafting and citrus disease identification by different PCR techniques.
Qualification: Research Scientist, Pomology.
Laboratory/office homepage: https://www.ncrpdhankuta.narc.gov.np/
Main published papers
Dhungana SA, Kunitake H, Niino T, Yamamoto SI, Fukui K, Tanaka D, Maki S, Matsumoto T. 2017. Cryopreservation of blueberry shoot tips derived from in vitro and current shoots using D cryo-plate technique. Plant Biotechnol (Tokyo). 34(1):1-5. doi: 10.5511/plantbiotechnology.16.1231b.
Dhungana, S.A., Adachi, F., Hayashi, S., Puri, R.R., Itoh, K., 2018. Plant growth promoting effects of Nepalese sweet potato endophytes.Horticulturae 4, 53. doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae4040053.
Dhungana, S.A., Itoh, K., 2019. Effects of co-inoculation of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) producing and degrading bacterial endophytes on plant growth.Horticulturae 5, 17.doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae5010017.