STUDENTS:Mohamed Farig Saad Ragab
Name of United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences:Tottori University
Assigned university:Tottoriuniversity
Specialized field:Global Dryland Science
Research Theme:
• Assessment of drought impact on crop and water
• Assessment of water delivery performance and governing of water user associations
Obtained (planned) degree/date:Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. (Agriculture) Obtained in March 2022 (Scheduled)
Global agriculture will face multiple challenges over the coming decades to satisfy the world’s food security. The global challenge of agriculture is that water scarcity affects every continent and was listed as the largest risk in terms of potential impact over the coming decades. In this context, I am interested in assessing ‘Agricultural water management. My studies involve how to mitigate the impacts of water scarcity on farmers’ livelihoods in terms of both farm and institutional levels. During my doctoral course, I modified water delivery performance indicators of adequacy, efficiency, equity, and dependability in an irrigated area of the Northern Nile Delta of Egypt, where severe water shortage occurs. The most notable point of this study is the originality in developing new methods to assess equitable water distribution and its impact on farmers livelihoods. In the future, I would like to continue evaluating/using the new approach of assessing water delivery performance in Egypt to maintain paddy rice cultivation, particularly, on the Northern Nile delta of Egypt, where I work and paddy rice is the major summer crop despite the hyper water crisis in this area.
Research Gate URL:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mohamed-Farig