ALUMNI STORIES:Ahmed Abd El-Aziz Zakaria Kheder
Name of United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences:Tottori University
Assigned university:Tottori University
Specialized field:Bioenvironmental Sciences
Research theme:Molecular mechanisms of pathogenicity of the tomato pathotype of Alternaria alternata(トマトアルターナリア茎枯病菌における病原性発現の分子機構に関する研究)
Obtained (planned) degree/date:Doctor of Philosophy PhD (Plant Pathology – Agriculture) Obtained in March 2012
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) belongs to the family Solanaceae and is one of the most remunerable and widely grown vegetables in the world. Fungal pathogens employ diverse strategies to infect their host plants. These strategies are becoming much better understood due to the increasing amenity of many fungi to molecular genetic analysis. Recent year’s molecular genetics allowed the identification and detailed functional analysis of genes involved in the interplay of pathogenic fungi and their host plants. An essential cue in this ongoing battle is the search for pathogenicity genes “as genes necessary for disease development, but not essential for the pathogen to complete its lifecycle in vitro” The aims of this study are to assess the general and specific pathogenicity/virulence factors. In future, I would like to get a job or a position where I can carry out research and educational practices in a wide range of fields related to plant-microbe interaction also combined resistant drought and salinity and TYLCV in addition to developing the detection methods. As an Assistant professor, I look into the ways that will help in serving human mankind by using and utilizing the knowledge of pathogen behaviour to diseases control. Main published papers: (1) Kheder, A.A. Akagi, Y. Akamatsu, H. Yanaga, K. Maekawa, N. Otani, H. Tsuge, T. Kodama,M. (2012). Functional analysis of the melanin biosynthesis genes ALM1 and BRM2-1 in the tomato pathotype of Alternaria alternata. Journal of General Plant Pathology. Vol. 78,30-38. (2) Kheder, A. A. Akagi, Y. Takao, K. Akamatsu, H. Kodama, M. (2012). Fungal growth and in planta distribution of host-specific AAL-toxin in tomato plants infected with the tomato pathotype of Alternaria alternata. Mycotoxins.Vol.62, 7-14. (3) Kheder, A. A. Akagi, Y. Tusge, T. Kodama, M. (2012). Functional analysis of the ceramide synthase gene ALT7, a homologue of the plant disease resistant gene Asc1, in a plant pathogenic fungus Alternaria alternata. Journal of Plant Pathology & Microbiology.
Homepage: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ahmed-Kheder/research